Daily Use Vocabulary

Vocabulary Related Politics in English and Urdu

Politics English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

Below is a list of words that are usually used in Politics. These words should be learned as they will help you out in many types of political discussions. It will be beneficial for you to learn because you will be able to understand what other people are talking about and if you speak or use these words the listener will have an Idea that you have much knowledge about politics.

Vocabulary Related Politics in English and Urdu

Learning English is easy now days we are here to help you out in learning the basic vocabulary that a starter should know and these basic simple political words will help you in your ongoing debates and you will be able to clear out your points in a better way. The words are translated for you in Urdu so you have a better idea about the meaning of that specific word and along with that they are also translated into Roman Urdu for you.

Politics Vocabulary in Urdu and English List-1

Words Translation Roman
Boycott بائیکاٹ boycott
Campaign کمپین، مہم muhim
Capitalists سرمایہ دار sarmaya daar
Liberals آزاد خیال لوگ azad khayaal log
Blockade محاصرہ کرنا muhasra karna
Republic, Democracy جمہوریت jamhoriat
Blockade بندش؛ گھیرا؛ محاصرہ  muhasra
Aristocracy حکومت امرا، امیر شاہی hukoomat amra, Ameer Shahi
Conservatives قدامت پسند qadamat pasand
Banners بینر banner
Backfire غیر متوقع ردعمل ghair mutawaqqa rad-e-amal
Autocracy مطلق العنان،سخصی راج mutlaq alanan, sakhsi raaj
Capacity استعداد istedad
Backlash ناگہانی ردعمل nagehani rad-e-amal
Disciplinary action تادیبی کاروائی tadeebi karwai
Civil disobedience سول نافرمانی؛ ترکِ موالات soul  tark e mawalaat
Non-violence عدم تشد Adam تشد
Alternative institutions متبادل ادارے mutabadil idaray

Politics English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning

Politics Vocabulary in English To Urdu List-2
Ally اتحادی ittihadi
Commentator مبصر، رائے زن Mubassir , raye zan
Authority اختیار ikhtiyar
Illiteracy جہالت، ناخواندگی jahalat, na khuwandagi
Civil resistance عوامی مزاحمت awaami muzahmat
Law and order امن و انتظام aman o intizam
Authoritarian rule استبدانہ حکومت؛ آمرانہ حکومت aamranah hukoomat
Ally (v) اتحاد کرنا ittehaad karna
Totalitarianism مطلق انسانی mutlaq insani
Civil society سول سوسائٹی soul society
Agent provocateur شرپسند؛ فسادی  fasadi
Minority اقلیت، نا بالغی aqliat, na بالغی
Civilian-based defense شہری دفاع shehri difaa
Dictatorship آمریت مطلق، اختیار کلی aamriyat mutlaq, ikhtiyar kalie
Accountability احتساب؛ مواخذہ؛ جوابدہی jawab dahi
Extremists انتہا پسند intahaa pasand
Equal representation مساوی نمائندگی masawi numaindagi
Coalition اتحاد ittehaad
Communalists فرقہ پرست firqa parast
Majority اکثریت، سن بلوغ aksariyat, sun balogh
Nationalist قوم  پرست qoum parast
Lawlessness الملوکی بد انتظامی almloki bad intizami
Accommodate مصالحت کرنا musalihat karna
Reactionaries رجعت پسند rajat pasand
Accommodation ایڈجسٹ adjust
No-confidence motion تحریک عدم اعتماد tehreek Adam aetmaad
Agency ایجنسی agency
Moderates اعتدال پسند aitdaal pasand
Vocabulary Related Politics in English and UrduVocabulary Related Politics in English and Urdu List-3
Activist کارکن karkun
Concentration ارتکاز، تدبیرِ artkaz, Tadbeer
Direct action راست اقدام raast iqdaam
Constructive programme تعمیری پروگرام tameeri programme
Dictatorship آمریت aamriyat
Conditions حالات halaat
political (سیاسی) ( siyasi )
Demonstration مظاہرہ muzahira
Freedom آزادی azadi
Consent رضامندی razamandi
External support بیرونی حمایت bairooni himayat
Nonviolent coercion تشدد سے پاک دباؤ tashadud se pak dabao
Defect منحرف ہونا munharif hona
Freedom of Assembly آزادیِ اجتماع aazadiِ ijtima
Empowerment اختیار دینا ikhtiyar dena
Conversion تغیر tagayur
Defection انحراف inhiraf
Bureaucracy نوکر شاہی، دفتری حکومت nokar Shahi , daftari hukoomat
Legitimacy قانونی جواز qanooni juwaz
Dynamics حرکیات؛ ڈائنامکس  dynamics
Mobilization تنظیم tanzeem
Leadership قیادت qayadat
Dispersion, tactics of بکھراؤ، تدبیرِ bhikhrav, Tadbeer
Marches مارچ March
Freedom of Association آزادیِ انجمن سازی aazadiِ anjuman saazi
Nonviolent direct action تشدد سے پاک راست اقدام tashadud se pak raast iqdaam
Disrupt خلل ڈالنا khlal daalna
Interference مداخلت mudakhilat
Tactics of commission تدبیرِ ارتکاب Tadbeer irtikaab
Conspiracy سازش sazish
Resilience لچک lachak
Selected منتخب muntakhib
Loyalty shift وفاداری بدلنا wafadaari badalna
Accountability احتساب ehtisab
Sanctions پابندیاں pabandiya
By-elections ضمنی انتخابات zimni enthikhabat
Strike ہڑتال hartal
Authority اقتدار ektidar

Political English Vocabulary in Urdu

We daily listen to the different news around and we mostly do not understand the vocabulary used about politics or media but after reading this blog you will be able to understand and learn different vocabulary related politics and use them and understand them in your daily life.

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