Words List

100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 3

Three Forms of Verbs List with Meanings

Three forms of verbs help us make sentences about present, past, and future. We use different forms of words in every tense, so to make our sentences correct and grammatically amazing, we must learn three forms of verbs with their correct meanings.

100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 3

Verbs, the action words in sentences, can take on three forms: the base form, the past tense form, and the past participle form. The base form is the simplest verb form, like “cook” or “treat.” When we talk about something that already happened, we use the past tense form, which often ends in “-ed,” like “cooked” or “treated.” The past participle form is used with auxiliary verbs like “have” or “had,” and it’s also commonly used in passive sentences, like “has cooked” or “had treated.” Learning these three forms of verbs help us make different kinds of sentences and use them in different situations.

100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 3

Meaning 1st Form 2nd Form 3rd Form
الگ کرنا Extract Extracted Extracted
پھیلانا Extend Extended Extended
ظاہرکرنا Express Expressed Expressed
فاش کرنا Expose Exposed Exposed
تلاش کرنا Explore Explored Explored
وضاحت کرنا Explain Explained Explained
ختم ہونا Expire Expired Expired
خارج کرنا Expel Expelled Expelled
توقع رکھنا Expect Expected Expected
موجودہونا Exist Existed Existed
جلاوطن کرنا Exile Exiled Exiled
معزرت کرنا Excuse Excused Excused
تبادلہ کرنا Exchange Exchanged Exchange
تجاوزکرنا Exceed Exceeded Exceeded
کھدائی کرنا Excavate Excavated Excavated
تحقیق کرنا Examine Examined Examined
مبالغہ کرنا Exaggerate Exaggerated Exaggerated
اندازہ لگانا Estimate Estimated Estimated
قائم کرنا Establish Established Established
فرارہونا Escape Escaped Escaped
غلطی کرنا Err Erred Erred
حسد کرنا Envy Envied Envied
چھپانا Envelop Enveloped Enveloped
خطاب دینا Entitle Entitled Entitled
داخل ہونا Enter Entered Entered
پکا کرنا Ensure Ensured Ensured
زرخیزبنانا Enrich Enriched Enriched
معلوم کرنا Enquire Enquired Enquired
بھرتی کرنا Enlist Enlisted Enlisted
عیش کرنا Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
بڑھانا Enhance Enhanced Enhanced
برداشت کرنا Endure Endured Endured
حوصلہ افزائی کرنا Encourage Encouraged Encouraged
مقابلہ کرنا Encounter Encountered Encountered
روزگار پر لگانا Employ Employed Employed
نکال دینا Eject Ejected Ejected
منتخب کرنا Elect Elected Elected
نکالنا Eliminate Eliminated Eliminated
اثرکرنا Affect Affected Affected
تعلیم دینا Educate Educated Educated
کھانا Eat Ate Eaten
کمانا Ear Earnt Earnt
پوراکرنا Fulfill Fulfilled fulfilled
ایندھن لینا Fuel Fueled fueled
تلنا Fry Fried Fried
جم جانا Freeze Froze Frozen
بھولنا Forget Forgot Forgotten
پیشنگوئی کرنا Forecast Forecasted Forecasted
منع کرنا Forbid Forbade Forbidden
اڑانا Fly Flied Flied
بدلتے رہنا Fluctuate Fluctuated Fluctuated
بہنا Flow Flowed Flowed
پانی کے اوپرتیرنا Float Floated Floated
شعلہ اٹھنا Flame Flamed Flamed
ٹھیک کرنا Fix Fixed Fixed
تلاش کرنا Find Found Found
بھرنا Fill Filled Filled
سرمایہ لگانا Finance Financed Financed
جنگ کرنا Fight Fought Fought
محسوس کرنا Feel Felt Felt
پالنا Feed Fed Fed
دعوت کرنا Feast Feasted Feasted
طرفداری کرنا Favour Favoured Favoured
مشہورہونا Fame Famed Famed
گرنا Fall Fell Fallen
ناکام ہونا Fail Failed Failed
مقابل ہونا Face Faced Faced
ایجادکرنا Fabricate Fabricated Fabricated

Three Forms of Verbs List with Meanings

Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings and Three Forms

Three Forms of Verbs in English and Urdu Part 3

This is part 4 of the verb series and in this blog, we have mentioned both basic and advanced verbs with their Urdu meanings and three forms. Learning verbs is one of the major thing in English because if we have verbs we can mane action sentences easily.

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