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100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 1

Verbs in English and Urdu
Welcome back to muftenglish in t this blog we are going to learn 100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 1 which has been collected specially for our students to help them learn English staying at-home verbs help us speak English quickly.
100 Verbs in English and Urdu Part 1
جائز قرار دنا | Authorize | Authorized | Authorized |
کشش کرنا | Attract | Attracted | Attracted |
تصدیق کرنا | Attest | Attested | Attested |
شامل ہونا | Attend | Attended | Attended |
حملہ کرنا | Attack | Attacked | Attacked |
منسلک کرنا | Attach | Attached | Attached |
یقین دلانا | Assure | Assured | Assured |
شامل کرنا | Associate | Associated | Associated |
حمایت کرنا | Assist | Assisted | Assisted |
پوچھنا | Ask | Asked | Asked |
پہنچنا | Arrive | Arrived | Arrived |
گرفتار کرنا | Arrest | Arrested | Arrested |
ترتیب دینا | Arrange | Arranged | Arranged |
مسلح کرنا | Arm | Armed | Armed |
اُٹھنا | Arise | Arouse | arisen |
پکڑنا | Apprehend | Apprehended | Apprehended |
مقررکرنا | Appoint | Appointed | Appointed |
درخواست کرنا | Apply | Applied | Applied |
داددینا | Applaud | Applauded | Applauded |
ظاہر ہونا | Appear | Appeared | Appeared |
درخواست کرنا | Appeal | Appealed | Appealed |
جواب دینا | Answer | Answered | Answered |
مالش کرنا | Anoint | Anointed | Anointed |
اعلان کرنا | Announce | Announced | Announced |
غصہ کرنا | Anger | Angered | Angered |
تجزیہ کرنا | Analyze | Analyzed | Analyzed |
متحیرکرنا | Amaze | Amazed | Amazed |
چوکس ہونا | Alert | Alerted | Alerted |
خطرے کی خبردینا | Alarm | Alarmed | Alarmed |
تبدیل کرنا | Alter | Altered | Altered |
اجازت دینا | Allow | Allowed | Allowed |
بانٹنا | Allocate | Allocated | Allocated |
سہارادینا | Aid | Aided | Aided |
خطاب کرنا | Address | Addressed | Addressed |
عادی کرنا | Addict | Addicted | Addicted |
جمع کرنا | Add | Added | Added |
عمل کرنا | Act | Acted | Acted |
حاصل کرنا | Achieve | Achieved | Achieved |
قبول کرنا | Accept | Accepted | Accepted |
گالی دینا | Abuse | Abused | Abused |
خلاصہ کرنا | Abstract | Abstracted | Abstracted |
ترک کرنا | Abandon | Abandoned | Abandoned |
بھنبھنانا | Buzz | Buzzed | Buzzed |
خریدنا | Buy | Bought | Bought |
بوجھ اٹھانا | Burden | Burdened | Burdened |
مکھن لگانا | Butter | Buttered | Buttered |
دفنانا | Bury | Buried | Buried |
پھٹنا | Burst | Burst | Burst |
جلنا | Burn | Burnt | Burnt |
تعمیرکرنا | Build | Built | Built |
نشونماپانا | Bud | Budded | Budded |
کودنا | Buck | Bucked | Bucked |
برش کرنا | Brush | Brushed | Brushed |
اجازت دینا | Brook | Brooked | Brooked |
لانا | Bring | Brought | Brought |
چمکانا | Brighten | Brightened | Brightened |
پُل باندھنا | Bridge | Bridged | Bridged |
رشوت دینا | Bribe | Bribed | Bribed |
توڑنا | Break | Broke | Broken |
پھلانگنا | Bounce | Bounced | Bounced |
دُکھ دینا | Bother | Bothered | Bothered |
قرض لینا | Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed |
سوراخ کرنا | Bore | Bored | Bored |
بُک کرنا | Book | Booked | Booked |
ابالنا | Boil | Boiled | Boiled |
دُعا دینا | Bless | Blessed | Blessed |
ملانا | Blend | Blended | Blended |
بھڑکنا | Blaze | Blazed | Blazed |
للکارنا | Blare | Blared | Blared |
الزام دینا | Blame | Blamed | Blamed |
کاٹنا | Bite | Bit | Bitten |
باندھنا | Bind | Bound | Bound |
موقع تلاش کرنا | Bide | Bided | Bided |
منسوب کرنا | Bestow | Bestowed | Bestowed |
جھکانا | Bend | Bent | Bent |
تعلق رکھنا | Belong | Belonged | Belonged |
گرجنا | Bellow | Bellowed | Bellowed |
یقین کرنا | Believe | Believed | Believed |
برتاؤ کرنا | Behave | Behaved | Behaved |
شروع کرنا | Begin | Began | Begun |
پیداکرنا | Beget | Begot | Begot |
درخواست کرنا | Beg | Begged | Begged |
ہونا | Become | Became | Become |
خوبصورت رکرنا | Beautify | Beautified | Beautified |
شکست دینا | Beat | Beat | Beaten |
برداشت کرنا | Bear | Bore | Born |
نہانا | Bath | Bathed | Bathed |
لڑائی کرنا | Battle | Battled | Battled |
پابندی لگانا | Ban | Banned | Banned |
توازن ہونا | Balance | Balanced | Balanced |
ضمانت کرنا | Bail | Bailed | Bailed |
تھیلا بھرنا | Bag | Bagged | Bagged |
سہارادینا | Back | Backed | Backed |
لے کرآنا | Bring | Brought | Brought |
ادھارلینا | Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed |
دفنانا | Burry | Buried | Buried |
بلانا | Call | Called | Called |
خاموش رہنا | Calm | Calmed | Calmed |
منسوخ کرنا | Cancel | Canceled | Canceled |
قبضہ کرنا | Capture | Captured | Captured |
I am sure you have learned many verbs with their Urdu meanings and three forms and now you can make hundreds of English sentences using these 100 verbs.
Humen bhe English seekhny ka bohat shok hy hum bhe English master banna chahty hain please guide me
Humen bhe English seekhny ka bohat shok hy hum bhe English master banna chahty hain please guide me me buhat pareshan hun English sekhna chahte hun
Please Sir guide kren mujhy