100 Masculine and Feminine Words in English with Urdu Meaning

Masculine and Feminine Nouns in English and Urdu
You must go through this amazing blog if you want to learn the difference between masculine and feminine words. Here we have provided you with 100 masculine and feminine words in English and Urdu. This list of masculine and feminine will make your English conversations easier. This lesson is very important for the beginners and for those who cannot differentiate between masculine and feminine words.
In the English language, non-living nouns do not have any male and female genders which is why there are no masculine and feminine words for them. We can make opposite genders for human beings, animals, birds, some professions and titles etc. Below we have divided these words into two lists so that you can easily learn them and enhance your English language skills.
Masculine and Feminine Words in English and Urdu List – 1
Here we are providing you with some commonly used masculine and feminine words with their Urdu meanings.
Masculine | Pron. | Meaning | Feminine | Pron. | Meaning |
Husband | ہزبینڈ | شوہر | Wife | وائف | بیوی |
Boy | بوائے | لڑکا | Girl | گرل | لڑکی |
Brother | برادر | بھائی | Sister | سسٹر | بہن |
Man | مین | آدمی | Woman | وومین | عورت |
Male | میل | مرد | Female | فیمیل | عورت |
Prince | پرنس | شہزادہ | Princess | پرنسز | شہزادی |
Actor | ایکٹر | اداکار | Actress | ایکٹریس | اداکارہ |
Father | فادر | باپ | Mother | مدر | ماں |
Nephew | نیفیؤ | بھتیجا/بھانجا | Niece | نیس | بھتیجی/بھانجی |
Son | سَن | بیٹا | Daughter | ڈاٹر | بیٹی |
King | کنگ | بادشاہ | Queen | کوئین | ملکہ |
Uncle | انکل | ماموں/چچا | Aunt | آنٹ | خالہ/چچی |
Sir | سَر | جناب | Madam | میڈم | جنابہ |
C-ock | کو-ک | مرغا | Hen | ہین | مرغی |
Widower | ویڈوور | ر- نڈوا | Widow | ویڈو | بیوہ |
Dad | ڈیڈ | باپ | Mom | موم | ماں |
Lion | لوئن | ببرشیر | Lioness | لوئنیس | ببرشیرنی |
Poet | پوئیٹ | شاعر | Poetess | پوئیٹیس | شاعرہ |
Host | ہوسٹ | میزبان | Hostess | ہوسٹیش | میزبان (لڑکی) |
Bachelor | بیچلر | کنوارا | Spinster | سپنسٹر | کنواری |
Friend | فرینڈ | دوست | Friend | فرینڈ | دوست (لڑکی) |
Masculine and Feminine Nouns in English with Urdu Meaning List – 2
This is list no two of this lesson, and here you are going to learn many important masculine and feminine nouns with their correct pronunciations and Urdu meanings.
Masculine | Pron. | Meaning | Feminine | Pron. | Meaning |
Mayor | مئیر | ناظم | Mayors | مئیریز | ناظمہ |
Shepherd | شیفرڈ | چرواہا | Shepherdess | شیفرڈیس | چرواہی |
Hero | ہیرو | ہیرو | Heroin | ہیروئن | ہیروئین |
Emperor | ایمپیرر | شہنشاہ | Empress | ایمپریس | ملکہ |
Fox | فاکس | لومڑ | Vixen | ویکسین | لومڑی |
Camel | کیمل | اونٹ | She-camel | شی کیمل | اونٹنی |
Horse | ہورس | گھوڑا | Mare | میر | گھوڑی |
Wizard | ویزارڈ | جادوگر | Witch | ویچ | جادوگرنی |
Landlord | لینڈ لورڈ | مالک | Landlady | لینڈلیڈی | مالکہ |
Peacock | پی کوک | مور | Peahen | پی ہین | مورنی |
Heir | ہئیر | وارث | Heiress | ہئیریس | وارثہ |
Master | ماسٹر | آقا | Mistress | مسٹریس | مالکن |
Governor | گورنر | گورنر | Governoress | گورنریس | گورنرعورت |
Cousin | کزن | کزن (لڑکا) | Cousin | کزن | کزن (لڑکی) |
Author | اودر | مصنف | Authoress | اودریس | مصنفہ |
Masculine and Feminine Words in English with Urdu PDF
I hope this lesson has helped you learn masculine and feminine words and now you can correctly use them in your daily conversations. If you want to practice these words later you can get the PDF below and start improving your English skills.
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