500 Forms of Verbs With Urdu Meaning

Forms of Verbs in English and Urdu
Learn 500 Forms of Verbs With Urdu Meaning with 1st 2nd and 3rd forms these forms of verbs with Urdu meaning list have all the important verbs with their 1st 2nd and 3rd form and Urdu meaning. This lesson is prepared for our beginner students who have just started learning the English language.
500 Forms of Verbs With Urdu Meaning
We all know that English sentences are incomplete without action verbs and the major thing we learn while learning English we learn verbs that help us complete a sentence and convey our message to others in a proper way. These verbs will help you speak English in every situation, these are the verbs used in our daily routine.
1st 2nd 3rd Forms of Verbs List-1
In this list you will learn more than 50 basic forms of verbs in English with their Urdu meanings and this list will help you make some basic sentences and use them correctly in your sentences according to the tense.
Lend | ادھار دینا | Lent | Lent |
Make | بنانا | Made | Made |
Eat | کھانا | Ate | Eaten |
Open | کھولنا | Opened | Opened |
Want | چاہنا | Wanted | Wanted |
Burn | جلنا / جلانا | Burnt | Burnt |
Test | آزمانا | Tested | Tested |
Change | تندیل کرنا | Changed | Changed |
Shout | چلانا | Shouted | Shouted |
Teach | پڑھانا | Taught | Taught |
Walk | چلنا | Walked | Walked |
Tell | بتانا | Told | Told |
Speak | بولنا | Spoke | Spoken |
Keep | رکھنا | Kept | Kept |
Stand | اُٹھنا | Stood | Stood |
Sing | گانا | Sang | Sung |
Taste | ذائقہ چکنا | Tasted | Tasted |
Throw | پھینکنا | Threw | Thrown |
Think | سوچنا | Thought | Thought |
Send | بھیجنا | Sent | Sent |
Watch | دیکھنا | Watched | Watched |
Rescue | بچانا | Rescued | Rescued |
Dive | غوطہ لگانا | Dived | Dived |
Action Verbs in English and Urdu List-2
This is the list no 2 of Action verbs with their three forms and Urdu meanings.
Enter | اندر جانا | Entered | Entered |
Cook | پکانا | Cooked | Cooked |
Continue | جاری رکھنا | Continued | Continued |
Choose | پسند کرنا | Chose | Chosen |
Abash | شمرمندہ کرنا | Abashed | Abashed |
Accept | قبول کرنا | Accepted | Accepted |
Absorb | جزب ہونا | Absorbed | Absorbed |
Ache | درد ہونا | Ached | Ached |
Allow | اجاززت دینا | Allowed | Allowed |
Convert | تبدیل کرنا | Converted | Converted |
Appear | ظاہر ہونا | Appeared | Appeared |
Answer | جواب دینا | Answered | Answered |
Ask | پوچھنا | Asked | Asked |
Bear | برداشت کرنا | Bore | Born |
Beat | مارنا | Beat | Beaten |
Behave | سلوک کرنا | Behaved | Behaved |
Bleed | خون بہنا | Bled | Bled |
Break | توڑنا | Broke | Broken |
Build | تعمیر کرنا | Built | Built |
Call | بُلانا | Called | Called |
Carry | پکڑنا | Carried | Carried |
Charge | چارج کرنا | Charged | Charged |
Catch | پکڑنا | Caught | Caught |
Action Verbs in English and Urdu List-3
This is the list no 3 and the list of our today’s lesson. In this list you will learn action verbs with their meanings and forms so that you can make many sentences using these words.
Clean | صاف کرنا | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Climb | چڑھنا | Climbed | Climbed |
Close | بند کرنا | Closed | Closed |
Colour | رنگ دینا | Coloured | Coloured |
Come | آنا | Came | Come |
Compel | مجبور کرنا | Compelled | Compelled |
Consist | مشتمل ہونا | Consisted | Consisted |
Correct | ٹھیک کرنا | Corrected | Corrected |
Cost | قیمت ہونا | Cost | Cost |
Crash | پیسنا | Crashed | Crashed |
Drag | کھینچنا | Dragged | Dragged |
Create | بنانا | Created | Created |
Do | کرنا | Did | Done |
Creep | رینگنا | Crept | Crept |
Useful Verbs with Urdu Meaning | |||
Cure | ٹھیک ہونا | Cured | Cured |
Dig | کھودنا | Dug | Dug |
Dance | ڈانس کرنا | Danced | Danced |
Dare | جراٰت کرنا | Dared | Dared |
Cut | کاٹنا | Cut | Cut |
Declare | تسلیم کرنا | Declared | Declared |
Deprive | محروم ہونا | Deprived | Deprived |
Die | مرنا | Died | Died |
Desire | خواہش کرنا | Desired | Desired |
Dry | خشک کرنا | Dried | Dried |
Drink | پینا | Drank | Drunk |
Educate | تعلیم دینا | Educated | Educated |
Empty | خالی کرنا | Emptied | Emptied |
Earn | کمانا | Earnt | Earnt |
Erase | مٹانا | Erased | Erased |
Explain | واضح کرنا | Explained | Explained |
Fail | ناکام ہونا | Failed | Failed |
Feed | کھلانا | Fed | Fed |
Find | ڈھونڈنا | Found | Found |
Finish | ختم کرنا | Finished | Finished |
Flee | بھاگ جانا | Fled | Fled |
Force | زوردینا | Forced | Forced |
Get | حاصل کرنا | Got | Got |
Go | جانا | Went | Gone |
Guess | اندازہ لگانا | Guessed | Guessed |
Harm | نقصان پہنچانا | Harmed | Harmed |
Have | ہونا | Had | Had |
Hide | چھپانا | Hid | Hidden |
Hug | گلے ملنا | Hugged | Hugged |
Keep | رکھنا | Kept | Kept |
Know | جاننا | Knew | Known |
Action verbs have 4 forms 1st form, 2nd form, and 3rd form and all three forms of action verbs are important because in different tenses we use them. We use 1st form in present indefinite, 2nd form in past indefinite, and 3rd form in perfect tenses. Action verbs tell us about the exact action that is going on.
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