Way of Tenses Book for Tenses in Urdu and English

Way of Tenses Book PDF
We know you are an English learner and want to learn tenses. Tenses are the backbone of the English language and without tenses, we cannot even make one meaningful sentence. If you want to speak better English and make thousands of English sentences you have to learn English tenses first. We mostly cram some sentences and use them every time but it is not enough, if you want to speak English in different situations and have conversations with different people around the world you have to learn tenses at any cost.
About Way of Tenses Book
This amazing book way of Tenses is written by Nasir Jamal Nasir. We are providing you with this book only for study purposes. This amazing book will help you learn tenses and active-passive and direct-indirect narrations with many Urdu examples.

Writer Nasir Jamal Nasir has mentioned that this book will help you learn tenses from zero to hero.

Topics Covered in This Book:
- What is a sentence? Subject, Verb, Object (parts of sentences) and What is a predicate?
- All the helping verbs
- Tenses and their types with examples.
- How do you use helping verbs and action verbs?
Present Tenses:
- Present Indefinite Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Present Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Present Perfect Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
Past Tenses:
- Past Indefinite Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Past Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Past Perfect Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Past Perfect Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
Future Tenses:
- Future Indefinite Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Future Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Future Perfect Tense With Urdu Examples.
- Future Perfect Continuous/Progressive Tense With Urdu Examples.
As we have mentioned above this book is not only for learning tenses but also some advanced topics will be covered in this book.
Active and Passive Voice:
- What is passive voice?
- What is active voice?
- What is the difference between active voice and passive voice?
- How to change the active voice into the passive voice?
- How to use two objects in sentences?
- Tenses and Active Passive
Direct Indirect Narrations:
- Tenses with Direct-Indirect narrations
- Reporting and reported speech.
- Persons of Pronouns with the chart.
- How to change direct speech into indirect speech.
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