111 Vegetable Names in English and Urdu with Pictures

Vegetables Name in English and Urdu with Pictures
Learn these 111 Vegetables Name in English and Urdu with Pictures frequently used in our daily routine. We use these vegetables in our kitchens but we don’t know their English names. We know the Urdu names of these Vegetables but we get stuck when we want to call their names in English, keeping in mind the needs of our students we have mentioned the Urdu and Roman meanings of these vegetable’s vocabulary Words.
Vegetables Names in Urdu and English
It is easy to learn and memorize these vocabulary words by getting their book from below and revising them later if you need to. After learning this amazing lesson the tension of learning vegetable names in English will be solved and you can easily name these vegetables in English. Different kinds of vegetables we use regularly in our eating, most of them are delicious and we want to talk about them so to talk about them in English you have to learn all these vegetable names with their Urdu meanings.
Names of Vegetables in Urdu and English List-1
In this list, we have mentioned common vegetable names with their pronunciations used in our daily routine.
Lemon | لیموں | Limmu |
Garlic | ؛ہسن | Lehsan |
Peas | مٹر | Matar |
Yam | کچالو | Kachalu |
Coriander | دھنیاں | Dhaniya |
Beans | پھلیاں | Paliya |
Ginger | ادرک | Adrak |
Turnip | شلجم | Shaljam |
Bitter gourd | کریلا | Karela |
Cabbage | بند گوبی | Band gobi |
Zucchini | توری | Turi |
Corn | مکئی | Makai |
Vegetable Names in Urdu and English List-2
This list has some complicated words most of you do not know.
Sweet potato | شکر کندی | Shaker kandi |
Lettuce | سلاد | Salad |
Cauliflower | گوبی | Gobi |
Bell pepper | شملا مرچ | Shimla miirch |
Celery | اجمود | Ajmood |
Broccoli | سبز گوبی | Sabz gobi |
Leek | ہرا پیاز | Hara pyaz |
Carrot | گاجر | Gajjar |
Okra / ladyfinger | بھنڈی | Bindi |
Pumpkin | کدو | Kadu |
Vegetable Vocabulary in English and Urdu with Pronunciations List-3
Learn this list of vegetables and use them while talking about any vegetable.
Beet | چقندر | Chukandar |
Spinach | پالک | Paalak |
Tomato | ٹماٹر | Tamattar |
Cucumber | کھیرا | Kheera |
Onion | پیاز | Pyaz |
Potato | آلو | Aloo |
Radish | مولی | Mulli |
Mint | پودینہ | Podina |
Brinjal | بینگن | Bengan |
Brassica | سرسوں | Sarso |
Chili | مرچ | Mirch |
Greens | ساگ | Saag |
Apple gourd | ٹنڈے | Tinday |
How Can We Practice These Vegetable Names?
Learning these vocabulary words about vegetables is easy but we get confused about how to remember these words for a long time.
There is a simple tip for you.
Firstly save all the pictures of these Vegetables Vocabulary Words in English and Urdu on your phone so that you can revise them later. Now you have all the words on your phone just memorize 10 words daily and try to make sentences using these words. For better memorizing when you learn a new word just think about its shape, use, size, colour, etc this will help you so much.