Basic English GrammarTenses in Urdu

Present Perfect Tense with Examples in Urdu

Present Perfect Tense

Today we are going to learn Present Perfect Tense with its examples and we will also try to make you understand the correct use of this tense how to use this tense and in what situations we use present perfect tense.

Present Perfect Tense with Examples in Urdu

  • In the present Perfect Tense we have to use the helping verb after the subject then the verb 3rd form and at the end we use the object and then full stop.
  • In this tense we use the helping verb “have” with all the plural subjects whereas we use the helping verb “has” with all the singular subjects.
  • We use the verb 3rd form with both singular subjects and plural subjects.
I have taken water. میں پانی پی چکا ہوں۔
He has taken water. وہ پانی پی چکا ہے۔
  • While making negative sentences of present perfect tense we have to use the helping verb “have/has” + not and then the verb 3rd form and at the end, we use object and full stop.
I have not taken exercise. میں ورزش نہیں کر چکا ہوں۔
He has not taken exercise. وہ ورزش نہیں کر چکا ہے۔
  • While making interrogative sentences of present perfect tense we have to put the helping verb “have/has” at the beginning of the sentence then subject and verb 3rd form and at the end we put object and full stop.
Have I taken tea? کیا میں چائے پی چکا ہوں؟
Has he taken tea? ?کیا وہ چائے پی چکا ہے

Positive Sentences

At the beginning of the sentence we place the doer of an action (subject) and then the Helping verb then the Verb 3rd form and at the end, we place the object and then full stop. Positive sentences of this tense show that something has been completed in the present.

Structure: Subject + Helping Verb (has/have) + Verb 3rd form + Object +.


Ali has sat in his chair. علی اپنی کرسی پر بیٹھ چکا ہے۔
They have taken meal. وہ کھا نا کھا چکے ہیں۔
She has made tea. وہ چا ئے بنا چکی ہے۔
He has taught his class.  وہ اپنی کلاس کو پڑھا چکا ہے۔
You have taken bath. تم نہا چکے ہو۔
We have got up. ہم جا گ چکے ہیں۔
They have run away. وہ بھا گ چکے ہیں۔
You have told me. تم مجھے بتا چکے ہو۔
Ali has had breakfast. علی نا شتہ کر چکا ہے۔
It has rained heavily. زور کی بارش ہو چکی ہے۔
The sun has risen. سورج طلوع ہو چکا ہے۔
I have gone to bazar. میں بازار جا چکا ہوں۔

Negative Sentences

Negative sentences of this tense present perfect tense are used when we want to say that something has not been completed in the present while talking about it. Firstly we use the subject then the helping verb (has/have) then not and then the verb 3rd form and at the end, we put the object of the sentences and full stop.

Structure: Subject + Helping Verb (has/have) + not + Verb 3rd form + Object +.


They have not finished their work. انہوں نے اپنا کام ختم نہیں کیا ہے۔
I have not whistled. میں نے گھنٹی نہیں بجائی ہے۔
Saima has not slept. صائمہ نہیں سوئی ہے۔
Akbar has not played. اکبر کھیل نہیں چکا ہے۔
She has not made tea. وہ چائے نہیں بنا چکی ہے۔
We have not taken tea. ہم چا ئے نہیں بی چکے ہیں۔
The police has not caught the thief. پولیس چور کو نہیں پکڑ چکی۔
We have not waited. ہم نے انتظار نہیں کیا ہے۔
Alia has not sewn the clothes. عالیہ نے کپڑے نہیں سیئے ہیں۔
He has not got first. وہ اول نہیں آیا ہے۔
He has not worked. اس نے کام نہیں کیا ہے۔
I have not written a letter. میں نے خطنہیں لکھا ہے۔

Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences of this tense are used to ask a question of whether something is completed in the present or not. We put the helping verb of this tense at the beginning of the sentence according to the subject and then the subject and then the verb 3rd form and at the end we place the object and then the question mark.

Structure: Helping Verb (has/have) + Subject + Verb 3rd form + Object + ?


Have you got the prize? کیا تم انعام حاصل کر چکے ہو؟
Has the sun not risen? کیا سورج طلوع ہو چکا ہے؟
Has it stopped raining? کیا بارش رک گئی ہے؟
Has he watched T.V? کیا اس نے ٹی وی دیکھا ہے؟
Has she read a book? کیا اس نے کتا ب پڑھی ہے؟
Has he helped you? کیا اس نے تہماری مدد کی ہے؟
Have they ever sailed in the ship? کیا انہوں نے کبھی بحری جہاز پر سفر کیا ہے؟
Have you defeated him? کیا تم نے اس کو شکست دی ہے؟
Who has knocked at the door? کس نے دروازے پر دستک دی ہے؟
Has it rained today? کیا آج بارش ہو چکی ہے؟
Has Ali made a noise? کیا علی شور مچا چکا ہے؟
Has he sung a song? کیا وہ گا نا گا چکا ہے؟

We have added some miscellaneous sentences of this tense at the end of this blog so that you can learn these example sentences and understand this tense fully.


You felt asleep? کیا تمہیں نیند آ گئی ہے؟
Has she ironed clothes? کیا اس نے کپڑے استری کر لئے ہیں؟
He has not flown kites. اس نے پتنگ نہیں اڑائی ہے۔
Have they boiled water? کیا وہ پانی ابال چکے ہیں؟
Has the sun shone? کیا سورج چمک چکا ہے؟
We have bought books? ہم کتا بیں خرید چکے ہیں؟

You can use this tense when you are talking about something that is completed in the present. We have mentioned many example sentences in this blog so that you can understand the use of the Present perfect tense and make hundreds of sentences using this tense.

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