Daily Use Vocabulary

Basic Vocabulary in English with Urdu Meaning

Basic English Vocabulary with Urdu

In this blog, we will teach you 100+ basic words with their Urdu meanings. After learning this lesson you will enhance your English speaking skills. This English-to-Urdu vocabulary will improve your ability to engage with different people and have better conversations. At the bottom of this blog, we have provided you with the PDF book so you can learn these amazing words later.

Basic English Vocabulary with Urdu List-1

This is the first part of English to Urdu vocabulary and here we have mentioned all the basic words used in daily life routine.

Basic بنیادی Arrange بندوبست کرنا
Anger غصہ Bread روٹی
Chick چوزہ Chance موقع
Century صدی Captain کپتان
Arrive پہنچنا Branch شاخ
Allow اجازت دینا Afraid ڈرا ہوا
Bone ہڈی Beat شکست دینا
Agree اتفاق ہونا Grow اُگانا
Know جاننا Pass گزرنا
Obey حکم ماننا Mix ملانا
Involve شامل ہونا Insist اصرار کرنا
Hide چھپانا Hold پکڑنا
Migrate ہجرت کرنا Lock تالا لگانا
Oppose مخالفت کرنا Invent ایجاد کرنا
Listen سننا Invite دعوت دینا

Basic English Vocabulary with Urdu Meaning List-2

Here, we have added 30+ useful English verbs used in daily conversations.

Open کھولنا Want چاہنا
Consist شامل ہونا Compel مجبور کرنا
Burn جلنا Test آزمانا
Pray دعا کرنا Change تبدیل کرنا
Occupy قبضہ کرنا Shout چِلانا
Need ضرورت ہونا Finish ختم کرنا
Move حرکت کرنا Flee بھاگ جانا
Force زور دینا Like پسند کرنا
Forecast پیشنگوئی کرنا Keep رکھنا
Get حاصل کرنا Go جانا
Taunt ڈانٹنا Begin شروع کرنا
Quarrel جھگڑنا Behave سلوک کرنا
Progress ترقی کرنا Drink پینا
Act عمل کرنا Sit بھیٹنا
Wish خواہش کرنا Punish سزا دینا

Basic Words in English and Urdu List-3

This is list no 3 of basic words and here we will provide you with 30 amazing English words with Urdu.

Beseech منت کرنا Ablution وضو
Backbiter چغل خور Cram رٹا لگانا
Rosary تسبیح Belch ڈکارلینا
Hypocrite منافق Disloyal بے وفا
Sociable ملنسار Mean مطلبی
Timid بزدل Silly بےوقوف
Cheeky شوخ Down-to-earth حقیقت پسند
Insufficient ناکافی Inventory سامان
Lively ذندہ دل Wind ہوا
Word لفظ Abuse گالی دینا
Way راستہ Sky آسمان
Wash دھونا Experience تجربہ
Lead رہنمائی History تاریخ
Hope امید Father باپ
Expert ماہر Fear خوف

Basic English To Urdu Vocabulary PDF

We have provided you the PDF below so you can save it and learn this lesson whenever you want.

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