Application To The Principal for Sick Leave

Application For Sick Leave Used in Schools
Students search for this kind of application because they use it when they want to take leave for some reasons from their school, college etc. In this blog, we have provided you the complete structure of an application and you can use this application to take leave from your school if you are sick.
The Principal,
ABC School.
Respected Sir,
Most respectfully I want to state that I have been suffering e from fever for the last two days. Therefore. I can attend the school. The doctor has advised me to take a week’s bed rest.
Therefore, I request your honour to grant me sick leave for a week with effect from 4th October 2020 to 10th October 2020, 1 shall produce the medical certificates when I come to school again.
Yours Obediently,
Shehzad Khan
Class 9th (B).
Dated: January 01, 2024
I hope you have understood how to write good applications while taking sick leave from school.