511 A To Z Pair of Words in English and Urdu

Pair of Words Meaning in Urdu and English
Learn These 511 Pair of Words in English and Urdu to help you remember the meanings of these confusing words. This lesson will help you if you are preparing for NTS, CSS, FPSC, PMS, and other competitive exams, and will also help if you are a student of 9th, 10th, and 2nd year.
What is a Pair of Words?
A pair of words called homophones have similar pronunciations but different meanings which is most confusing for English Learners. These are the common A to Z pair of Words that will help you one step forward in learning the English language.
A To Z Pair of Words in Urdu Set-1
In this list we have mentioned basic English pairs of words with Urdu meanings and this list will help you understand the meanings of most confusing words.
Ceiling | چھت | Chat |
Sealing | مہر لگانا | Mahar lagana |
Course | نصاب ، راستہ | Nisab, rasta |
Coarse | سخت یا کھردرا | Sakht |
Beach | ساحل سمندر | Sahil samndar |
Beech | درخت کی ایک قسم | Darakh ki kisam |
Check | پڑتال کرن | Parhtal karna |
Cheque | بینک چیک | Bank chek |
Cost | قیمت | Kimat |
Caste | ذات | Zaat |
Canon | اصول | Asool |
Cannon | توپ | Thop |
Veil | نقاب | Niqab |
Vale | وادی | Wadi |
Thrown | پھینکا ہوا | Phenka hua |
Throne | تخت | Takht |
Urban | شہری | Shehri |
Urbane | شائستہ | Shaista |
Week | ہفتہ | Hafta |
Weak | کمزور | Kamzor |
Waist | کمر | Kamar |
Waste | ضائع کرنا | Zaya karna |
Ring | بجانا | Bajana |
Wring | نچوڑنا | Nichorhna |
Weigh | وزن کرنا | Wazan karna |
Way | راستہ | Rasta |
Waive | چھوڑدینا | Chorh dena |
Wave | ہلانا | Hilana |
Wear | پہننا | Pehnna |
Ware | مصنوعات | Masnuat |
Air | ہوا | Hawa |
Ear | کان | Kaan |
Except | سوائے | Siwaye |
Accept | قبول کرنا | Qabool karna |
Advise | نصیحت کرنا | Nasihat karna |
Advice | نصیحت | Nasihat |
Add | اضافہ کرنا | Izafa karna |
Aid | مالی امداد | Mali emdad |
Excess | زیادتی | Ziad ti |
Access | پہنچ | Pohnch |
Affect | اثر کرنا | Asar karna |
Effect | اثر | Asar |
Lawyer | وکیل | Wakeel |
Lair | جھوٹا | Jhoota |
Idle | بے کار | Be kar |
Idol | بُت | Buutt |
Ensure | یقینی | Yaqeeni |
Insure | بیمہ کرنا | Bema karna |
New | ںیا | Naya |
Knew | جاننا | Janna |
Cattle | مویشی | Maweshi |
Kettle | چائے دان | Chai daan |
Need | ضرورت | Zarurat |
Knead | گوندھنا | Gondna |
Knotty | پیچیدہ | Pechida |
Naughty | شریر | Sharer |
Strait | تنگ راستہ | Tang rasta |
Straight | سیدھا | Sedha |
Seal | چوری کرنا | Chori karna |
Steel | فولاد | Faulad |
Tail | دُم | Dumm |
Tell | بتانا | Batana |
Further | مزید | Mazeed |
Farther | دور | Door |
Pair of Words A To Z Set-2
This is the 2nd list, and in this section, you will learn many confusing words used in daily life with their Urdu meanings, learn these words and understand their meanings to get better at English.
Flour | آٹا | Aatta |
Floor | فرش | Zameen |
Feat | کرتب | Kartab |
Feet | پاؤں | Pao |
Envelop | لپیٹنا | Lapetna |
Envelope | لفافہ | Lifafa |
Hew | کاٹنا | Katna |
Hue | رنگ | Rang |
Gait | چال | Chaal |
Gate | دروازہ | Darwaza |
Heal | زخم بھرنا | Zakham barna |
Heel | ایڑی | Erhi |
Hare | خرگوش | Khar gosh |
Here | یہاں | Yaha |
Fate | قسمت | Kismet |
Fat | چربی | Charbi |
Heard | سنا ہوا | Suna hua |
Herd | ریوڑ | Rewarh |
Whole | تمام | Tamam |
Hole | سراخ | Surakh |
Principle | اصول | Asool |
Principal | سربراہ | Sarbara |
Pane | چھوکٹ | Chaukat |
Pain | درد | Dard |
Plane | ہوائی جہاز | Hawai jahaz |
Plain | صاف | Saaf |
Piece | ٹکڑا | Tukrha |
Peace | امن | Aman |
Root | جڑ | Jarh |
Route | راستہ | Rasta |
Right | درست | Durust |
Rite | رسم | Rasam |
Quite | بلکل | Bilkul |
Quiet | خاموش | Khamosh |
Raise | اٹھانا | Uthana |
Raze | مٹانا | Mitana |
Prey | شکار | Shikar |
Pray | دعا کرنا | Dua karna |
Prophet | پیغمبر | Peghambar |
Profit | نفع | Nafa |
Male | مرد | Mard |
ڈاک | Daak | |
Merry | خوشی | Khushi |
Marry | شادی کرنا | Shadi karna |
Meet | ملاقات | Mulakat |
Meat | گوشت | Gosht |
Lessen | کم کرنا | Kam karna |
Lesson | سبق | Sabaq |
Letter | حرف | Harf |
Later | بعد میں | Baad mai |
Line | قطار | Kataar |
Lion | شیر | Sher |
Die | مرانا | Marna |
Dye | رنگنا | Rangna |
Corps | فوج | Fauj |
Corpse | لاش | Laash |
Dew | شبنم | Shabnam |
Due | واجبات | Wajbat |
Edition | اشاعت | Eshat |
Addition | اضافہ | Ezafa |
Bade | حکم دینا | Hukam dena |
Bad | برا | Bura |
Angel | فرشتہ | Farishta |
Angle | زاویہ | Zawya |
At | کو | Ko |
Ate | کھایا | Khaya |
Bell | گھنٹی | Ghanti |
Bale | گانٹھ | Gaant |
Bear | برداشت کرنا | Bardasht krna |
Be | ہونا | Hona |
Dear | پیارا | Pyara |
Dare | ہمت | Himmat |
Eat | کھانا | Khana |
It | یہ | Ye |
Sit | بیٹھنا | Bethna |
Seat | بیٹھنے کی جگہ | Bethne ki jaga |
Sum | حساب | Hisab |
Some | کچھ | Kuch |
Worm | کیڑا | Kerha |
Warm | گرم | Garm |
Two | دو | Do |
To | کو | Ko |
So | ایسا | Aisa |
Sow | بونا | Bona |
Sheep | بھیڑ | Berh |
Ship | جہاز | Jahaz |
Object | مقصد | Maqsad |
Abject | حقیر | Hakeer |
Edge | کنارہ | Kinara |
Age | عمر | Umer |
Blew | اڑانا | Urhana |
Blue | نیلا | Neela |
Beside | قریب | Kareeb |
Besides | اس کے علاوہ | Es k ilawa |
Beet | چقندر | Chukandar |
Beat | مارنا | Maarna |
Bleed | خون بہنا | Khoon behna |
Blood | خون | Khoon |
Criticize | تنقید کرنا | Tankeed karna |
Censure | مزمت کرنا | Muzamat krna |
Know | جاننا | Janna |
No | ںہیں | Nahi |
Treat | علاج کرنا | Elaj karna |
Threat | دھمکی | Dhamki |
Wise | عقلمند | Aqalmand |
Voice | آواز | Awaz |
Elder | بڑا | Barha |
Older | پرانا | Purana |
Invent | ایجاد کرنا | Ejad karna |
Discover | دریافت کرنا | Daryaft krna |
Sole | تَلا | Talla |
Soul | روح | Ruh |
Fair | صاف | Saaf |
Fare | کرایہ | Kiraya |
Healthy | صحت مند | Sehat mnd |
Healthful | صحر بخش | Sehat bakhsh |
Son | بیٹا | Beta |
Sun | دھوپ | Dhoop |
There | وہاں | Waha |
Their | انکا | Unka |
Here | یہاں | Yaha |
Hair | بال | Baal |
Broom | جھاڑو | Jarhu |
Room | کمرہ | Karma |
By | سے | Se |
Buy | خریدنا | Khareedna |
Flour | آٹا | Aata |
Flower | پھول | Phool |
Loan | ادھار | Udhaar |
Lone | تنہا | Tanha |
Our | ہمارا | Hamara |
Hour | گھنٹہ | Ghanta |
Study | پڑھنا | Parhna |
Student | طالب علم | Talib ilm |
Metal | دھات | Dhat |
Mettle | جرات | Jurat |
A To Z Pair of Words with Sentences and Urdu Meanings
Below we have mentioned some pair of words with sentences so that you can understand them easily.
Ceiling | چھت |
There are three ceiling fans in our room. | |
Sealing | مہر لگانا |
Aslam was sealing the envelopes. |
Course | نصاب |
We have completed our course | |
Coarse | سخت یا کھردرا |
He doesn’t like coarse clothes. |
Caste | ذات |
He is sheikh by caste. | |
Cost | قیمت |
What it the cost of this watch? |
Lawyer | وکیل |
Amjad is lawyer by profession. | |
Liar | جھوٹا |
I don’t like a liar person. |
Strait | تنگ راستہ |
Only one person can pass through this strait. | |
Straight | سیدھا |
Draw a straight line on a notebook. |
Floor | فرش |
Keep clean the floor of your room. | |
Flour | آٹا |
Flour is very dear nowadays. |
Heel | ایڑی |
His heel is aching. | |
Heal | زخم بھرنا |
Your wound will heal soon. |
Whole | تمام |
Amjad worked the whole day. | |
Hole | سراخ |
This dress has a hole. |
New | نیا |
This dress is brand new. | |
Knew | جاننا |
I knew her. |
Plain | صاف / میدان |
This plain is very fertile. | |
Plane | جہاز |
The plane has landed. |
Principle | اصول |
Amjad is a man of principle. | |
Principal | سربراہ |
Our principal is an intelligent man. |
Naughty | شریر |
He is a naughty boy. | |
Knotty | پیچیدہ |
It is a knotty problem. |
Meat | گوشت |
He doesn’t like meat. | |
Meet | ملنا |
Aslam will meet us tomorrow. |
Die | مرنا |
He died of a hernia. | |
Dye | رنگنا |
Dye the scarf. |
I hope you have found this lesson helpful we have mentioned the A to Z pair of words with their Urdu meanings and example sentences so that you can learn them easily and understand how to use these pair of words in your sentences. Pair of words is a little tricky to remember but you can learn them easily by making sentences of them and using them regularly in your sentences.