Daily Use Vocabulary

110 Advanced Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meanings

Advanced Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

In this blog, you will learn 110 advanced vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings. We gathered these vocabulary words from different English newspapers and made a complete PDF so that you can learn these words and improve your English anytime. This blog will help you improve your advanced vocabulary. These words will help you attempt competitive exams like CSS, PMS, NTS, etc. This complete lesson is specially designed for beginners who want to take their English language to the next level.

Advanced Vocabulary with Urdu List -1

This list has the most common English words used in the newspapers.

English Words Urdu Meaning
Caption عنوان
Captive جنگی قیدی
Capitalist سرمایہ دار
Capable قابل
Penalty سزا
Wary ہوشیار
Lavish عیاش
Crutch لاٹھی
Lax ڈھیلا
Cognition معرفت
Hector بدمعاش
Genuine اصلی
Tenacious استقامت والا
Obnoxious ناگوار
Alacrity شوق سے
Exacerbate مزید بگاڑنا
Incurable لاعلاج
Humid نم
Reticence تنگ
Lush سرسبز
Steepest ڈھلوان
Stark سنگین
Comply تعمیل
Pitiful رحم دل
Entity وجود
Pioneer رہبر
Overdo زیادہ
Void باطل
Gesture اشارہ
Efficacy افادیت
Canal رہبر
Calumet حقہ
Chieftain سردار
Abscond مفرور
Anarchy انتشار
Appease خوش کرنا
Boorish گھمنڈ
Castigation سزا
Emulate تقلید
Effrontery کڑا

Advanced Vocabulary with Urdu List –2

This is list no. 2 of advanced vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings. Here, we have mentioned more difficult words used commonly in newspapers.

Gullible دھوکہ باز
Garrulous تیز
Indigence غربت
Confute تردید
Atrocity بے رحمی
Tycoon مالدار
Bankrupt دیوالیہ
Insinuate داخل کرنا
Strew بکھیرنا
Repeal منسوخ کرنا
Ingenuous ہوشیار
Infancy بچپن
Ominous منحوس
Patronize حمایت کرنا
Languid تھکا ہوا
Candid صاف
Adorn سجانا
Inured عادی
Avid شوقین
Provoke اکسانا
Eclectic چناچنا
Abhor نفرت کرنا
Inherent ذاتی
Ignite جلانا
Malleable قابل عمل
Enigma اسرار
Meddle مداخلت
Bizarre عجیب
Deny انکار
Haughty مغرور
Thrifty کم خرچ
Lateral یک طرفہ
Lucid واضح
Cerebral ذہنی
Timid ڈرپوک
Diligent محنتی
Alleviate کم کرنا
Accolade ستائش
Adept ماہر
Aberration گمراہی

Advanced Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings PDF

Here we are providing you with the PDF lesson on advanced vocabulary so that you can save this book in your phone and learn it later.

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